Saturday, February 14, 2009

Site specific work

Hi. Just finished a site-specific , Kalari based work called `Ashankh' ( without fear ) on 9th Feb 2009, 5: 30 pm at the Alliance Francaise, Bangalore. It was for the Attakkalari India Biennial 2009. Thank you guys, for coming.

The Sequence :

5: 15 pm : Commotion in the Alliance lobby, when Santosh picked up a fight with a bystander.Everyone was shocked at the pushing and shoving and curses and rushed to separate them. They did not budge and took the fight to a physical levels in the `Well ' at the Alliance.The audience all rushed to the Well.Someone was upset that this fight was happening and wanted Santosh to be thrown out.Some were disgusted at the hooliganism.

5: 20 : Nakula rushed to pacify the fighters, as did a worried Parth ( Diploma student) who were both worried about the reputation of Attakkalari.

5: 25 pm :The fight stopped with both parties glaring at each other and separating.

5:30 pm : Just as the audience heaved a sigh of relief, the music started and the piece began with high energy.The dancers were in cargo Capri pants and vests, mixing with the crowd, unnoticed. Only when the piece began did the audience realise that the fight was an attention seeking device, choreographed as a part of the piece and even the other boy, was Charan, a friend and a graduate of the Attakkalari Diploma Programme.

5: 45 pm : All our friends were furious to have been fooled !

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